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A Garden in Bloom: Heartfelt Moments from the Little Zen Garden

Hey there, fellow gardeners of our Little Zen Garden! Wow, it's been a minute since I last wrote here, hasn't it? If you've been wondering what's been keeping me away from our digital nook, it's life - in all its messy, beautiful, unpredictable glory. So, the biggest update? My parents visited from Venezuela. And let me tell you, having them here, in England, with me and my son, felt like a piece of my heart was restored. We spent our days touring around - not as tourists, but as a family reconnecting. We strolled around town squares, took those cheesy group photos in front of historic sites, and even had some proper English tea (which, by the way, my dad insists he's now an expert on). But it wasn't the places or the activities that made these weeks special. It was the little moments. Like when my mom and I made arepas with perico (a Venezuelan dish), or when my dad and son had those deep conversations about life that can only happen past midnight. It was c

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