A Garden in Bloom: Heartfelt Moments from the Little Zen Garden

Hey there, fellow gardeners of our Little Zen Garden!

Wow, it's been a minute since I last wrote here, hasn't it? If you've been wondering what's been keeping me away from our digital nook, it's life - in all its messy, beautiful, unpredictable glory.

So, the biggest update? My parents visited from Venezuela. And let me tell you, having them here, in England, with me and my son, felt like a piece of my heart was restored. We spent our days touring around - not as tourists, but as a family reconnecting. We strolled around town squares, took those cheesy group photos in front of historic sites, and even had some proper English tea (which, by the way, my dad insists he's now an expert on).

But it wasn't the places or the activities that made these weeks special. It was the little moments. Like when my mom and I made arepas with perico (a Venezuelan dish), or when my dad and son had those deep conversations about life that can only happen past midnight. It was catching up on everything we missed, reliving old memories, and making a ton of new ones.

Amidst all this, another beautiful moment happened. My boyfriend proposed! And guess what? It was right in front of my parents. They already knew, of course. He'd asked for their blessing beforehand. But that moment, with them by my side, was something out of a dream. It was simple, intimate, and oh-so-special.

Here's the thing, though. If you look at my bank account, you might be surprised at how little we have, or even see the depth of our debts. But these moments, these memories, they’ve made me feel like I've hit the jackpot. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, isn't it love, family, and genuine connections that truly matter?

Now, I don't want this post to be just about me. I want to share something with all of you, especially after the whirlwind of emotions and events I've been through. Life's short. And unpredictable. But it's also beautiful. Here are some things I've learned (or relearned):

1. Stay Grateful: It's easy to get bogged down by what we don't have. But let's also remember to count our blessings. Trust me, it changes everything.

2. Seek the Silver Lining: Life’s going to throw curveballs. It's up to us to find that silver lining, even if it's a tiny sliver.

3. Embrace Your Inner Child: Let loose once in a while. Dance in your PJs, have a pillow fight or watch that Saturday morning cartoon. Rediscovering the world through a child’s eyes is magical.

4. Live in the Moment: It's great to plan for the future, but let's not forget to live in the present. Because these moments, right here, right now, won't come back.

I'm back now, and I'm so ready to dive into our Little Zen Garden. This space, our community, means the world to me. I'm keen to hear your stories, your updates, and just chat about life in general.

And hey, if you're going through a tough time, remember you've got a whole garden of support right here. We're in this together.

Big virtual hugs to all of you.

Catch you soon,

Kareen Kolster
