The Birth of the Little Zen Garden: A Tale of Resilience, Meditation, and Mental Well-being - by Kareen Kolster

Hello, and a heartfelt welcome to the Little Zen Garden, a sanctuary for mindfulness, tranquility, and personal growth. I'm Kareen Kolster, your guide on this journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of inner peace. Let's explore the path that led me here - a path that transformed personal trials into a mission centered around mental well-being.

A Venezuelan Childhood Amidst Chaos

Born and raised in Venezuela, a place of striking natural beauty yet marked by relentless turmoil, my early years were a paradox. Amidst the vibrant culture, an undercurrent of danger was a constant companion, making mental peace seem like an elusive dream. 

Facing Life's Challenges

A series of life-altering events added to this chaos. A dear friend was brutally taken from us, a victim of a horrific act of violence during a robbery. This devastating loss, combined with the heartache of my recent divorce, whipped up a storm of stress, fear, and anxiety. Amidst this turmoil, my guiding light was my son. His innocent presence sparked within me a resolve to seek a path toward tranquility and stability.

Discovering the Power of Meditation

In my quest for inner peace, I discovered meditation. The journey was filled with hurdles and self-doubt, testing my patience and resolve. Yet, I held on, driven by the need to find peace and strength for both myself and my son. After years of committed practice, I began to experience the transformative magic of meditation.

A New Life in the UK

In 2019, my journey took an unexpected turn. I moved to the UK with my eleven-year-old son, leaving our close-knit family behind in Venezuela. Living in a new country, especially away from family during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, was a new challenge that tested my resilience and underscored the importance of mental well-being more than ever.

Building Ionic Minds

These experiences inspired me to establish Ionic Minds, a mental health initiative aimed at leveraging innovative technology to make mental health resources more accessible. Although still in their infancy, we have two exciting projects in the pipeline: Ommersion, a unique meditation experience, and Mind the Gap, a productivity enhancement tool for individuals with ADHD.

The Power of Om: A Superhero's Guide to Meditation

Eager to start making a difference, particularly for children, I decided to use my skills as a graphic designer to create 'The Power of Om: A Superhero's Guide to Meditation'. Through this book, I aim to introduce children to meditation as a superpower – a tool that can empower them with resilience, inner peace, and the ability to navigate life's challenges.

To learn more about my journey as an author and explore my work, I invite you to visit my author page. Here, you'll find more information about my books, the inspiration behind them, and how they are helping to shape the minds of our young ones.

 The Little Zen Garden Blog

The Little Zen Garden blog is an extension of this mission. Here, we will explore various aspects of mental health, well-being, and meditation. We will share stories, experiences, and insights to foster mutual growth. I envision this space as a haven where we can learn, share, and grow together.


So, dear reader, I welcome you to this journey. Let's grow together in this little Zen Garden of tranquility and resilience. Let's create a place where we learn, share, and inspire each other to seek peace and strength amidst life's storms. Welcome to the Little Zen Garden.
